Creating a cloud-init VM Template on Proxmox using packer
Recently I built up a virtual machine template on Proxmox using Packer. Here below I am going to show which steps were followed in order to achive the aim. I am going to set up VM with CentOS 8 Stream on board.
Installing Packer
Here is shown how to install Packer. Generally, I used the following steps for installing a required packages on my Fedora Workstation:
Installing official HarshiCorp repository:
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
If yum-config-manager
is not available on the host, install yum-utils
package: sudo yum install -y yum-utils
And install packer:
sudo yum -y install packer
And that’s it. Packer is installed. Check it:
[admin@workstation packer]$ packer
Usage: packer [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
Available commands are:
build build image(s) from template
console creates a console for testing variable interpolation
fix fixes templates from old versions of packer
fmt Rewrites HCL2 config files to canonical format
hcl2_upgrade transform a JSON template into an HCL2 configuration
init Install missing plugins or upgrade plugins
inspect see components of a template
plugins Interact with Packer plugins and catalog
validate check that a template is valid
version Prints the Packer version
[admin@workstation packer]$ packer --version
[admin@workstation packer]$
Create a hcl file
In order to set up a vm we need to declare a file with instructions for packer. There are two type of files: JSON files and HCL file.
I used to apply following hcl file for my task. The file is starting by defining required plugins. This plugin will be installed using packer init hcls/
. In the following part are being declared variables. I declared proxmox_api_url
, proxmox_api_token_id
and proxmox_api_token_secret
. These variables are able to define in the external file, by passing as a command parameter and by defining in the the same hcl file. In my task I set the 2 variables in a external file and secret I gave in command line as a parameter.
Second part of the file is consisting of source
part. Here are defined main parameters of the VM, iso file, disk, network and etc.
Third part is the building part what actually runs building process and after provisioning tasks.
packer {
required_plugins {
proxmox = {
version = ">= 1.0.6"
source = ""
variable "proxmox_api_url" {
type = string
variable "proxmox_api_token_id" {
type = string
variable "proxmox_api_token_secret" {
type = string
sensitive = true
source "proxmox" "centos8-packer" {
proxmox_url = "${var.proxmox_api_url}"
username = "${var.proxmox_api_token_id}"
token = "${var.proxmox_api_token_secret}"
insecure_skip_tls_verify = true
node = "proxmox"
vm_id = "108"
vm_name = "centos8-packer"
template_description = "centos8-packer description"
iso_file = "ocp1:iso/CentOS-Stream-8-x86_64-latest-dvd1.iso"
iso_storage_pool = "local"
unmount_iso = true
qemu_agent = true
scsi_controller = "virtio-scsi-pci"
disks {
disk_size = "15G"
format = "vmdk"
storage_pool = "ocp1"
storage_pool_type = "directory"
type = "virtio"
cores = "2"
memory = "4096"
network_adapters {
model = "virtio"
bridge = "vmbr0"
firewall = "false"
cloud_init = true
cloud_init_storage_pool = "ocp1"
boot_command = [
"<tab><bs><bs><bs><bs><bs>text inst.ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.conf<enter><wait><enter>"
boot = "c"
boot_wait = "5s"
http_directory = "http"
ssh_username = "admin"
ssh_private_key_file = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
ssh_password = "admin"
ssh_port = 22
ssh_timeout = "30m"
build {
source "proxmox.centos8-packer" {
name = "centos8-packer"
provisioner "shell" {
inline = [
"echo Installing Updates",
"yum update -y",
"yum install -y cloud-init qemu-guest-agent cloud-utils-growpart gdisk",
only = ["proxmox"]
By running packer creates a temporary http server using a randomly generated port. Such approach allows to download a kicstart file during installation and set up a machine. Kickstart file is located in http
folder (http_directory = "http"
). The kickstart file that I used for this task is shared on github. Link
Running Packer
First of all we need to install required plugin for packer.
[admin@workstation packer]$ packer init hcls/
Installed plugin v1.0.8 in "/home/admin/.config/packer/plugins/"
And check installed plugin:
[admin@workstation packer]$ packer plugins installed
Next step is setting up a machine.
[admin@workstation packer]$ packer build -var-file='creds.pkr.hcl' -var proxmox_api_token_secret="<my-secret>" hcls/proxmox-centos.pkr.hcl
proxmox.centos8-packer: output will be in this color.
==> proxmox.centos8-packer: Creating VM
==> proxmox.centos8-packer: Starting VM
==> proxmox.centos8-packer: Starting HTTP server on port 8665
==> proxmox.centos8-packer: Waiting 5s for boot
==> proxmox.centos8-packer: Typing the boot command
==> proxmox.centos8-packer: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> proxmox.centos8-packer: Connected to SSH!
==> proxmox.centos8-packer: Stopping VM
==> proxmox.centos8-packer: Converting VM to template
==> proxmox.centos8-packer: Adding a cloud-init cdrom in storage pool ocp1
Build 'proxmox.centos8-packer' finished after 8 minutes 35 seconds.
==> Wait completed after 8 minutes 35 seconds
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> proxmox.centos8-packer: A template was created: 108
[admin@workstation packer]$